Full Indian History Notes ( Chronology of Important Events in Indian History )

Chronology of Important Events in Indian History

Ancient India

2 Million BC to 10,00 BC
2 Million BC to 50,000 BC
50,000 BC to 40,000 BC
40,000 BC to 10,000 BC
Paleolithic Period
Lower Palaeolithic
Middle Palaeolithic
Upper Palaeolithic
Fire was discovered
Tools made of limestones were used. They are found in Chotanagpur plateau and Kurnool district
From 10,000 BCThe Mesolithic AgeHunters and Herders
Microlith tools were used
7000 BCThe Neolithic ageFood producers
Use of polished tools
Pre-Harappan Phase – 3000 BCChalcolithic AgeUse of Copper – first metal
2500 BCHarappan PhaseBronze age civilization, development of Urban culture
1500 BC-1000 BCEarly Vedic periodRig Veda period
1000BC-500BCLater Vedic periodGrowth of 2ndUrban phase with the establishment of Mahajanapadhas
600 BC – 325 BCMahajanapadhas16 kingdoms with certain republics established
544 BC – 412 BCHaryanka DynastyBimbisara, Ajatshatru and Udayin
412 BC – 342 BCShisunga DynastyShisunga and Kalashoka
344BC – 323 BCNanda DynastyMahapadmananda
563 BCBirth of Gautama BuddhaBuddhism established
540 BCBirth of Mahavira24th Tirthankara of Jainism
518 BCPersian InvasionDarius
483 BC1st Buddhist councilRajgir
383 BC2nd Buddhist CouncilVaishali
326 BCMacedonian InvasionDirect contact between Greek and India
250 BC3rd Buddhist councilPataliputra
322 BC – 185 BC
322 BC – 298 BC
298 BC – 273 BC
273 BC – 232 BC
232 BC – 185 BC
Mauryan Period
Chandragupta Maurya
Later Mauryans
Political unification of India, Dhamma policy of Ashoka, the growth of Art and architecture
185 BC – 73 BCSunga DynastyPushyamitra Sunga
73 BC – 28 BCKanva dynastyVasudeva founded the dynasty
60 BC – 225 ADSathavahana dynastyCapital at Paithan, MH
2nd BCIndo-GreeksMenander(165-145AD)
1st BC – 4th ADThe ShakasRudradaman (130 AD – 150 AD)
1st BC – 1st ADThe ParthiansSt Thomas arrived in India during the reign of Gondophernes
1st AD -4th ADThe KushansKanishka (78 AD – 101 AD)
72 AD4th Buddhist CouncilKashmir
3rd BC – 3rd ADSangam ageConvene of Sangam Commune, Rule of Cheras, Cholas and Pandyas
319 AD – 540 AD
319 – 334 AD
335 – 380 AD
380 – 414 AD
415 – 455 AD
455 – 467 AD
The Gupta Age
Chandragupta I
Chandragupta II
319 AD – Gupta Age
The golden age of India
Development of numerous art and literature.
Nagara style of Temple Building
550 AD – 647 ADVardhana DynastyHarsha (606-647 AD)
Kannauj assembly and Prayag assembly held
Huan-Tsang visited Harsha’s assembly
543 – 755 ADChalukyas of VatapiDevelopment of Vesera style
575 - 897 ADPallavas of KanchiStructural temples in Dravida style started to develop


Medieval India

Early Medieval Period (650 – 1206 AD)
750 – 1150 ADRule of the PalasCapital at Munger, Bihar
752 – 973 ADThe RasthrakutasCapital at Malkhed
730 – 1036 ADThe PratiharasRuled western India
712 ADFirst Muslim InvasionMahmud Bin Qasim invaded India
850 – 1279 ADThe CholasCapital at Tanjore, epitome moment for Dravidian Architecture
998 – 1030 ADFirst Turk invasionMahmud of Ghazni
1175 – 1206 ADSecond Turk invasionMahmud of Ghori
1178 – 1192 ADPrithviraj ChauhanFirst battle of Tarain in 1191 between Prithviraj and Mahmud of Ghori
1192, Second battle of Tarain
The Sultanate Period (1206 – 1526 AD)
The Slave Dynasty
Year EventImportance
1206 – 1210 ADQutbuddin AibakKnown as Lal Bakhsh, began the construction of Qutb Minar
1211 – 1236 ADShamsuddin IltumishReal founder of Delhi sultanate
1236 – 1240 ADRazia SultanaFirst and only muslim lady who ever ruled India
1240 – 1266 ADWeak successors
1266 – 1287 ADGhiyasuddin BalbanEstablished Diwan-i-Arz

The Khalji Dynasty
1290 – 1296 ADJalaluddin KhaljiFounder of Khalji dynasty
1296 – 1316 ADAllaudin KhaljiDid many administrative reforms, introduced the Dagh and Chehra system

The Tuglaq dynasty
1320 – 1325 ADGhiyasuddin TuglaqFounder
1325 – 1351 ADMohammed-Bin-TuglaqIntroduction of administrative reforms and certain ambitious projects
1351 – 1388 ADFiroz Shah TuglaqBuilt great cities
1398 – 1399 ADTaimur InvasionTaimur, the descendant of Chengiz Khan, invaded during the reign of Muhammad Shah Tuglaq
The Sayyid dynasty 1414 – 1451 AD
The Lodhi Dynasty (1451 – 1526 AD)
1451 – 1488 ADBahlol LodhiFounder of Lodhi dynasty
1489 – 1517 ADSikander LodhiFounded the city of Agra
1517 – 1526 ADIbrahim LodhiBabur defeated Lodhi in the first battle of Panipat
Vijaynagar and Bahmani Kingdoms
Vijaynagar Kingdom
1336 – 1485 ADSangama DynastyFounded by Harihara and Bukka
1485 – 1505 ADSaluva DynastySaluva Narasgima
1505 – 1570 ADTuluva DynastyVeer Narashima
1509 – 1529 ADKrishna Deva RayaA gifted Scholar, contemporary of Babur
1570 – 1650 ADAravidu DynastyFounded by Tirumala

Bahmani Kingdom
1347 – 1358 ADAlaudin Hasan Bahman ShahFounded the Bahmani Kingdom at Gulbarga
1397 – 1422 ADTajuddin Firoz Shah
1422 – 1435 ADAhmad Shah Wali
Mughal Empire
1526 – 1530 ADBaburFounder of Mughal empire after the 1stBattle of Panipat
1530 – 1540 AD
1555 – 1556 AD
HumayunHe was defeated by Sher Shah
1540 – 1555 ADSur EmpireSher Shah defeated Humayun and ruled from 1540-45 AD
15562nd Battle of PanipatAkbar Vs. Hemu
1556 – 1605 ADAkbarEstablished Din-i-illahi, expanded Mughal empire
1605 – 1627 ADJehangirCaptain William Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe visited the Mughal court
1628 -1658 ADShahjahanThe pinnacle of Mughal empire and art and architecture
1658 – 1707 ADAurangazebBeginning of the decline of Mughal empire
1707 – 1857 ADLater MughalsDecline and disintegration of Mughal empire with gaining strength of the British
Maratha State and Maratha Confederacy
Maratha state 1674 – 1720 AD
1674 – 1680 ADShivajiContemporary of Aurangazeb and the biggest challenge for the Mughals in Deccan
1680 – 1689 ADSambhaji
1689 – 1700 ADRajaram
1700 – 1707 ADTarabai
1707 – 1749 ADShahuThe rise of Peshwas
1713 – 1720 ADBalaji VishwanathThe first Peshwa
Maratha Confederacy 1720 – 1818 AD
1720 – 1740 ADBaji Rao I
1740 – 1761 ADBalaji Baji Rao
1761 ADThird battle of PanipatDefeat of Marathas by Ahmad Shah Abdali
1761 – 1818 ADLater successors
Anglo Maratha Wars
1775 – 1782 AD1st Anglo Maratha WarBritish were defeated
1803 – 1806 AD2nd WarMarathas were defeated and they signed the Subsidiary Alliance
1817 – 1818 AD3rd WarMarathas were decisively defeated


Modern India

1717 – 1727 ADMurshid Quli KhanCapital of Bengal transferred to Murshidabad
1727 – 1739 ADShujauddin
1739 – 1740 ADSarfaraj khan
1740 – 1756 ADAlivardi Khan
1756 – 1757 ADSirajuddaulahBattle of Plassey
1757 – 1760 ADMir Jafar
1760 – 1764 ADMir QasimBattle of Buxar

1761 – 1782 ADHaider AliEstablishment of Modern Mysore state
1766 – 1769 AD1st Anglo – Mysore warHaider ali defeated the British
1780 – 1784 AD2nd Anglo – Mysore warHaider ali was defeated by Sir Eyrecoot
1782 – 1799 ADTippu SultanContinued the 2ndwar
1790 – 1792 AD3rd Anglo – Mysore warTipu ceded half of his territory
17994th Anglo – Mysore warTipu sultan died

1792 – 1839 ADMaharaja Ranjit SinghFounder of Sikh rule
1845 – 1846 AD1st Anglo – Sikh warSikhs were defeated
1848 – 1849 AD2nd Anglo – Sikh warDalhousie annexed Punjab
Advent of Europeans in India
1498Portuguese East India companyHeadquarters at Cochin and Goa
1600English East India companyMadras, Calcutta and Bombay
1602Dutch East India companyPulicat, Nagapattinam
1616Danish East India companySerampore
1664French East India companyPondicherry
Carnatic wars
1746-481st Anglo-French warTreaty of Aix-la-chapelle
1749-542nd Anglo-French warTreaty of Pondicherry
1758-633rd Anglo-French warTreaty of Paris
Freedom Struggle
1857First war of Indian independenceRevolt due to socio-religious and economic causes
1885Formation of Indian National CongressA O Hume
1885 – 1905Moderate phaseDominated by Dadabai Naoroji, Surendranath Banerjea
1905 – 1917Extremists PhaseDominated by Lal-Bal-Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh
1905Bengal PartitionCurzon announced the partition
1905 – 1908Swadeshi movementBoycott of foreign products
1906Muslim league formation
1906Calcutta Session of INCSwaraj as the goal
1907Surat splitQuestion on extending the movement to the rest of India
1909Morley – Minto reformsSeparate electorate for Muslims
1915 – 1916Home rule movementBG Tilak and Annie Besant
1916Lucknow pactPact between Congress and League
1916Lucknow sessionExtremists admitted in Congress
Gandhian Era
Early life
1893 – 1914Gandhi in South AfricaFoundation of Natal Indian Congress, Sathyagraha and CDM against British excesses
1915 – 1948Gandhi in India
1915Arrived in Bombay. First two years to tour India and not to participate in any political movement
1917Champaran CampaignAgainst the Indigo cultivators
1918AhmedabadFirst hunger strike
1918KhedaFirst non-cooperation movement
1919Rowlatt SathyagrahaAgainst the Rowlatt act and Jallianwala massacre
1920-22Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement
1924Belgaum sessionGandhi elected as Congress president
1930 -34Civil disobedience movementDandi March
Gandhi – Irwin Pact
2nd Roundtable conference
Resuming the Civil disobedience movement
1940-41Individual satyagraha
1942Quit India movementDo or die
Important Events during this period
1919Rowlatt actGandhi gave a call for Rowlatt satyagraha
1919Jallianwala Massacre
1920-22Khilafat and Non-cooperation movementHindu Muslim unity
1922Chauri Chaura incidentGandhi called off NCM
1923Congress Khilafat Swaraj PartyEnter legislative councils
1927Simon commissionAll white commission to review the 1919 act
1928Nehru committee reportTo determine the principles of the constitution
1929Jinnah’s 14 points
1929Lahore sessionPurna Swaraj
1930Civil disobedience movementDandi March
1931Gandhi Irwin PactTo ask Gandhi participate in the 2nd RTC
19312nd RTC held in London
1932Communal award
1932Poona Pact
1935Government of India actProvisional autonomy
193718 months rule of Congress begins
1939-45World War II begins
1939Congress ministries resign
1940August offerLinlithgow proposed to seek India’s cooperation in the World War
1941Individual Satyagraha
1942Cripps mission
1942Quit India movement
1943Gandhi’s 21 days fast
1944C R Formula
1945Wavell Plan and Shimla Conference
1945INA Trails
1946RIN Ratings Mutiny
1946Cabinet mission plan
1946Formation of Interim government
1946Formation of the constituent assembly
1947Atlee’s announcement
1947Mountbatten Plan
1947Indian independence act, 1947

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